College Consulting Services

Monthly Themed Coachinglaptop, phone, coffee

If you are unable to commit to a multi-month curriculum and would like to participate in flexible, custom-tailored and focused topics this is the program for you. Each month will be slightly different, but will include the following:


  • An introductory webinar to frame the coaching work for the month ahead (you may also listen to the recording on your own time)
  • Tools and worksheets to help you observe how the monthly theme plays out in your life
  • One full length coaching session



Observe your stuck-spots and identify the areas of your physical and virtual spaces that hold you back from being your strongest self. Identify a keystone organizational system to unleash order and serenity.  

Evaluate yourself and your likelihood of success. Exercises will identify areas you will need to work on to achieve academic success. You will learn resource identification and create a skill attainment strategy plan.

This month you will observe your stress and become connected with your stress triggers.  Then, you will change your relationship with stress by reframing your stress stories through various activities.

Do you actually read your textbook?  Do you use any of it on a test?  Get a crash course in academic reading and learn how to gain the confidence in the fact that the hard work you are putting in will lead to your success in a course.

Assessment time!  How are you doing? Are you doing well and want to continue the trend next semester? Was this semester nothing you expected and would you like to get on track? Develop a plan to get the best results possible this semester.

Close out the year by reflecting on the year and your academic self.  When were you your strongest academic warrior?  When were you hiding?  What were your most meaningful success moments?  What new perspectives did you gain about yourself? What will you let go?  What will you hold on to?  Where are you headed next month?

It’s the new year and you will want to make the most of it.  You will spend this month auditing and observing your time to better understand how you use it, and your relationship with it. Then, with the support of your online academic coach, you will set a time-mastery goal and develop a plan.

Was note-taking a challenge last semester? Did what your professor lecture about seem like a foreign language?  Do you want to feel confidence as you sit in the classroom that you have done solid work to get the most out of your tuition dollars? Intention is everything when it comes to class preparation.  Learn ways to “not skip a beat” when the professors says, “pop quiz”. Be prepared and confident in your preparation for any class surprises thrown your way.

Do you know someone that takes a test and it doesn’t seem to faze them?  Do you stress when you hear the word “test” or “exam”?  Test preparation does not happen the night before a test.  Learn how to space out and schedule your planning for success so that you are not cramming the night before a test.

Assessment time! How are you doing? Are you doing well and want to continue the trend next semester? Was this semester nothing you expected and would like to get on track? Develop a plan to get the best results possible this semester.

Close out the year by reflecting on the year and your academic self.  When were you your strongest academic warrior? When were you hiding?  What were your most meaningful success moments? What new perspectives did you gain about yourself? What will you let go? What will you hold on to?  Where are you headed next academic year?



C.A.N., College Student Success Consultants
1380 Easton Road, Unit 481, Warrington, PA 18976-0481
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